RRE @ Mitsubishi Owner’s Day – 2016
Every year in July Mitsubishi Motors North America throws a huge party at their Cypress CA headquarters to celebrate and thank Mitsubishi owners from all over the West Coast. RRE has been there every year since the beginning. The event attracts about 3,000 people that start showing up to get a good spot as early as 2am. There is music, free food, raffles and every year of every Mitsubishi to look at.
RRE Dyno Contest
We have time to dyno 5 or 6 cars from the time MOD gets rolling at 9am and when they start the raffle at noon. This year there were a couple big guns going for record numbers so everyone was a little shy to get on the dyno. So John Mueller put his blue EVO 8 road racing car on to get things rolling. Chris, Matt and FNG Bin were busy busting the cars on and off the dyno in the sun.
For the big numbers it was between Atif tuned by English Racing and Albert tuned by Reese Tuning. All CT9A chassis. No EVO Xs stepped up this year. We always save a spot for a good running EVO X, DSM or 3KGT.
Results worked out like this:
1st Place Atif Tuned by English Racing – 1156 whp and 660 ft lbs of torque. The turbo was a FR SLR 72/85 on a 2.0
2nd Place Albert Tuned by Reese Tuning – 912 whp and 693 ft lbs of torque. Turbo is a FP/Tial 67mm “Super 94” on a 2.3 bottom end.
3rd Place Muellerized Tuned by Sam @ RRE – 470 whp and 425 ft lbs torque. Turbo is a ball bearing BBK on a 2.3 bottom end.
1st place got a set of Motegi wheels, 2nd place got a set of Nitto tires, 3rd place got a Zeitronix wide band kit.
RRE Girls!
Erica Nagashima and Erica Ocampo are always a crowd favorite at the RRE compound. Lots of opportunities for fans to take pics with them, get autographs signed and some free RRE swag passed out.
Mitsubishi Owners Day 2015
Last weekend, we had the opportunity to check out the annual Mitsubishi Owners’ Day at the Mitsubishi Motors headquarters.
RRE Team Driver Canaan O’Connell and models Erika Ocampo and Olivia Korte talked to fans and signed all day, and we got to hear the Jem FX/Jet Black Racing car, and it’s crazy anti-lag.
The show stayed packed all day, and the dyno stayed busy.
Check the gallery for more photos!
Mitsubishi Owner’s Day 2014
Road Race was excited to get involved with Mitsubishi Owner’s Day once again.
We hosted the dyno contest for the day, and were running cars on and off the dyno the whole time.
RRE Family driver Coco Zurita was in the booth, signing autographs and talking to fans all day, alongside RRE model Erica Ocampo. There was a little something for everybody, and we stayed busy all day.
Thanks again to our sponsors Turbo by Garrett and Turbosmart for helping us out with awesome raffle prizes!
RRE @ Mitsubishi Owner’s Day 2012 @ Mitsubishi Headquarters – Cypress, CA
Another MOD and another great event as usual. We brought cars, the RRE Girls, the RRE Dynapack AWD Dyno Contest, parts displays, shade, robots, a kid’s play area and more shade for the July heat. We teamed up with our partners Road Race Motorsports and Zeitronix to fill out the Road Race Pavilion with non stop action.
We pulled out all the stops this year. Rossy scored a coup and got Danielle Lo and Erica Ocampo from two of our recent DSPORT cover cars along with our regular RRE models Holly Lee and Michele Yee to come out.
Danielle and Erica were signing magazine covers of their respective shoots with Ben Denkers’ red EVO 8 RS and Tim Smith’s blue EVO X.
Holly and Michelle brought the party and had the most fun. MORE PICS!!! (more…)
RRE Dyno Contest @ MOD 2012
RRE ran the dyno contest @ MOD like we do each year. This year was nuts. Started off the first pull in the morning @9am with Reggie’s black EVO 9 pulling 575 whp. A couple years ago that would have been enough power for a 1st place.
Next up was Mike S. also with his Graphite Grey EVO 9. He was tuned by Reese and laid down the gauntlet early @ 971 whp. Here is a video of the pulls and awards ceremony shot by ReefsRally
Another GG EVO 9 owned by Shaun and tuned by RallInspired knocked out 810 whp that was only good enough for 3rd place for the day and the second highest torque @ 699 ft lbs :-P These were all relatively short pulls at roughly 6 seconds of full throttle since it was pretty hot and in the direct sun. These are all tuned drag cars running E-85. We asked each owner what rpm they were comfortable starting the pull at and what rpm to stop the run at.
Speaking of the heat, we needed a little assistance hustling the cars on and off the dyno. RRE Girls Erica and Holly were gracious enough to assist as possible!
Then Loya Racing brought out their 92 Eclipse GSX. Last year it was suffering from an ignition break up but this year it (more…)
Countdown To Mitsubishi Owner’s Day 2012
It is coming up quick! MOD 2012, the largest gathering of Mitsubishis anywhere in the US. RRE will be there again this year with our race cars and some customer cars. We’ll have product displays and the RRE AWD Dynapack Dyno. The show is free to get in. They have free food, a crazy raffle with tons of giveaways. All your friends will be there.
We’ll be running the dyno contest again this year. There is no charge to enter. We are looking for cars that make over 500 whp and make some noise. Contact us if this is you. We will be dynoing pre approved cars only. They give us time for maybe 6 cars.
You will need a recent tune, some kind of race gas or be on E-85. Fresh plugs that are gapped well and no boost leaks. You will be famous and the top 5 cars get $100 each for putting on a show. The winned gets announced and a trophy awarded at the raffle ceremony!
Muellerized @ MOD 2011
Thanks to Daniel Lopez for the nice shot!!
Some more pics of MOD 2011
Kent Jordan’s Muellerized EVO 8 after smashing some big 2.5 liter torque and hp numbers on the Dyno. This road racing EVO is tuned by Scot Gray at RRE using the AEM EMS ECU on E-85. Acronym Soup FTW!
Mitsubishi Owners Day – July 2011
Here are some pics of the RRE compound at MOD 2011. As usual we brought out our race cars, some show cars, the RRE Dynapack AWD Dyno and special for 2011… the Michelles!
Mitsubishi Owner’s Day 2010
by, James Singer – RRE Conscript
MOD 2010 was my first Mitsubishi Owner’s Day working for RRE. I was a bit overwhelmed working MOD. I had been there for the 2009 show and kind of stumbled around but this year I woke up at 6am on a Saturday to drive from LA down behind the Orange Curtain to MMNA HQ in Cypress, CA. When I got to the Mitsubishi HQ Cypress campus, I was blown away that the lot was already full. My car was relegated to EVO parking in a far corner away from the main booths.
The RRE shop race cars set up and on display.
I rushed over to the RRE booth to find the RRE crew already there setting up even though I was a half hour early. I was put in charge of the 2 extremely hot import models Natalia Marie and Nikita Esco. I was also given a few bags of RRE lanyards, placards, stickers, license plate frames and flyers to give away to people.
However, Natalia and Nikita and I were not the main attraction at the RRE booth much to my surprise. The main attraction was the DYNO SHOOTOUT!! (scream that all caps part in your head while reading it again). DYNO SHOOTOUT!! (good). The popularity of the DYNO SHOOTOUT!! kind of blew my mind.
Think about this for a second, there are 2 really attractive girls dressed in clothes that might be NSFW status and ME handing out free stuff but people were more in to seeing EVOs and DSMs belt out some runs on the dyno. If we were at Import Hot Showoff, there would be at least 100 creepy creepers lurking all over me and these ladies but instead, I was left lurking all alone.
I don’t know if you guys know this but the dyno is ON at RRE almost every day and night but people were jumping over the models, the free stuff and each other in the hot hot July heat to get a chance to check out cars on the dyno, which is also further from the shade. At some point, I let Natalia and Nikita take over giving out free stuff for a minute to check out the dyno runs and I saw why people were jostling around and screaming over the sounds of open exhausts blowing ear drums.
[Winner at MOD. Brian Ford’s EVO VIII. AEM EMS tuned by Scot Gray @ RRE. I need to get a full mod list for this car. E-85 insanity].
This is a chart from a 700 and change dyno run. I got my EVO tuned on the Dynapack at RRE. I thought it was pretty bad ass. I was ready to lay down some numbers! I think I peaked out at 321 or so. I remember making sure to wear the RRE ear goggles that night as they tuned my car. Even then I felt like it was a bit rowdy through the ear goggles and through my RRE stealth exhaust. Now imagine +2x that amount of HP through a seemingly open exhaust with a bunch of people standing a couple feet away in hot July So. Cal weather and you can understand the spectacle of a DYNO SHOOTOUT!! (good job yelling it in your head still BTW).
[Notice how less people are standing behind the car.]
Some other honorable mentions from the day were:
Mr. Boster’s white GVR4. 18 years old and kicking 640 whp in a car that looks like a taxi cab!!
Check out his boost chart!!
That was the big attraction. Hot models, Meh. Free In-N-Out, whateverrrrr. Rowdy Roddy Dynopack, Hells Yes!! DYNO SHOOTOUT!!
Got video? LA DSM knows how to represent!
Video highlights: Christ bothering models, SAM being grumpy and ART too busy eating a burger to cover his other ear.
Check us out next year at MOD 2011!!
- Kieth Boster’s “The Boz” GVR4 on the RRE AWD Dynapack
RRE @ Mitsubishi Owner’s Day – July 2009 – Videos!
Sam tuned Hugo’s (from LA DSM) 1990 GSX to 530 whp for 2nd Place in the dyno contest:
AMS did a couple demo pulls with their big hp drag EVO.
Mitsubishi’s Video:
EVO is SCC Magazine Car of the Year!
MMSA had a ceremony to mark the receipt of the Sport Compact Car magazine Car of the Year at the Cypress headquarters this last week. RRE was invited to bring our shop EVO race car along with a bunch of guys from www.socalevo.net. Basically anyone that could get the day off from work came out.
SCC Mag Editor Scott Oldham presented the award.
The RRE EVO 8 posing all hard with the award:
All the owners got to line up for publicity shots:
The Mitsu top brass were impressed with how many owners turned out at late notice on a work day. THey promised to do a better owners appreciation day later in the summer.
They even made us EVO and 3 diamond shaped cookies :-)